
把一个有希望的想法变成一个成功的商业冒险 工商管理(BBA)创业与创新管理学士学位 from the Fox School of Business at Temple University. Learn to recognize opportunities, 在不断变化的商业环境中产生创新的解决方案并识别未开发的市场空间.

Through this degree program, 你将利用创造力和大局思维来开展自己的业务或在现有组织中提出创新举措. 这个项目是专门为那些有创新思维的人量身定做的

  • create positive social impact with a social venture;
  • start a new business;
  • take over the management or ownership of an existing business; 
  • work as a consultant within an existing high-growth organization; or
  • 在创业生态系统中工作(加速器、孵化器、初创公司、风险投资集团).

Receive instruction from Fox faculty members who actively own or have sold successful startup ventures, and who actively work in the entrepreneurial ecosystem. 在无数的商业领域中,如何以及为什么成为一名创新者对成功至关重要.

协作课堂教学以及现实世界的机会使这个项目非常适合有创业精神的学生. In addition to coursework, 在完成学位期间,学生有许多途径获得专业经验, through a required internship, as well as opportunities to join student professional organizations

Additionally, through Fox’s renowned Innovation and Entrepreneurship Institute, students gain access to workshops, 与教师和校友企业家的会议和定制指导. 

Classes & Curriculum


  • Lean Startup: Fast & Frugal Approaches to High-Impact New Ventures, Product Invention & Innovation
  • 新创企业实习:学习成为一名高价值员工、经理或创始人
  • Cost Accounting
  • 战略规划:作为现有企业战略工具的商业计划 & Entrepreneurs


Distinguished Faculty

多元化的师资队伍为创业与创新管理工商管理硕士课程带来了丰富的现实知识, 部分教授在相关领域具有25年以上的专业经验. Many have also run and sold successful entrepreneurial ventures, or worked to support entrepreneurs, 并与AT等国内和国际公认的组织密切合作&T, DuPont, Exxon, Johnson & Johnson, Procter & Gamble, Scott Paper Company, and Sony. 

Related Graduate Degrees

Related Graduate Certificates

*Klein College of Media and Communication

A Fox student's reflection in the monitor of his computer.

Accelerated 3-year BBA

积极进取的学生可以在三年内完成他们的工商管理硕士课程. 要了解更多关于加快完成学位的信息,请联系您的指导老师.

Tuition & Fees

In keeping with Temple’s commitment to access and affordability, 工商管理学士学位提供具有竞争力的学费水平和多种经济支持机会.

学费由大学每年设定,并受到多种因素的影响, including program degree level (undergraduate or graduate), course load (full- or part-time), in-state or out-of-state residency, and more. You can view the full Cost of Attendance breakdown on the Student Financial Services website.

These tuition costs apply to the 2023–2024 academic year.

Pennsylvania resident: $22,824.00 per year
Out-of-state: $41,544.00 per year